Using phpinfo a list of apache modules installed on readynas
(found this nice piece on the NETGEAR ReadyNAS Pro 6-Bay) disks
Updated existDb to 1.4.1dev-rev14490-20110522
- core
- mod_authz_host
- mod_authz_user
- mod_auth_basic
- mod_include
- mod_log_config
- mod_logio
- mod_env
- mod_expire
- s mod_headers
- mod_setenvif
- mod_ssl
- prefork
- http_core
- mod_mime
- mod_dav
- mod_status
- mod_autoindex
- mod_cgi
- mod_dav_fs
- mod_negotiation
- mod_dir
- mod_alias
- mod_rewrite
- mod_so
- mod_perl
- mod_perl mod_auth_pam
- mod_auth_sys_group
- mod_apreq2
- mod_listhandler
- mod_php5
(found this nice piece on the NETGEAR ReadyNAS Pro 6-Bay) disks
Updated existDb to 1.4.1dev-rev14490-20110522