Thursday, 20 December 2012


 The version of Imagemagick on velvet did not support the -path option for mogrify
# mogrify
Version: ImageMagick 6.2.4 07/28/09 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2005 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Upgraded using:

How to install ImageMagick and Imagick on Debian Linux 
Also needed:
/usr/local/bin/mogrify | more
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.1-0 2012-12-20 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2013 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Monday, 19 November 2012

XQuery templating engines and TXQ

"...separating logic from presentation" is good thing; and you don`t need much presentation before code can start looking a bit messy. Here is an example of mine at about the limit of what I feel comfortable with.


I have been using Node.js a bit recently and it has an impressive list of  templating engines. One of the things I like about  Node is the module ecosystem; where vast numbers of different  approaches compete in  Darwinian fashion for "developer mind share". For reasons that I can't quite remember, I ended up using EJS with custom delimiters of single { and }. It looks a bit like XQuery.

When it comes to XQuery there are not so many choices :-). Maybe most are mentioned in this thread: eXist MVC and separating XHTML templates from XQuery code More recently eXistdb has Exist html templates. This looks to be standard XQuery 3.0 and provide a lot of high level functionality, but very much linked into the eXistdb environment.

What the world needs now is...

.. another XQuery templating system. So from my experience with EJS and express.js.  Some features that I liked are:
  • A render method to take a view and a map type object to produce a page
  • A location, a collection or folder, for templates (views) completely separated from the code.
  • A quick syntax to wrap common page features  around rendered results.
  • A block/partial/repeat type concept for list/tables.
 Looking for the simplest thing that might possibly  work..Noting that:
  1. A XML document is a valid XQuery program.
  2. If we put some {$var} type expressions in it and get XQuery to evaluate it  in the right context-  we are almost there.
  3. BaseX has a (non-standard) function xquery:invoke that has just the right signature.
The start.. With this view1.xml template Invoking..
Layout pages use the convention that a layout template has a $body field into which the sub template will be inserted
Example layout template. Invoking
Often there is a need to render repeated items from some node collection. A solution to this repeatedly invoke a sub-template, injecting a map with an item set to each node in turn. For example our map has a "actions" value. An XML node with a variable number of <generate> sub nodes that we wish to render.
The actions1.xml partial template.
A slight addition to the original render function makes this easy. Below shows the the full TXQ module.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Software updates

NAS updates

  • RAIDiator on readynas to  4.1.10  need to add index.xml to /etc/frontview/apache/httpd.conf
  • RAIDiator on velvet to 4.2.22  
Hoping 4.2.22 will fix the Readynas pro locking up after a couple of weeks.


My openshift BaseX instances seem broken by their upgrades. Version rhc 1.0.4 is giving permission denied for server. this?

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Gadgets: tl-wr703n

I bought one of these : totocity Chinese Handy Wi-Fi Wireless Router 150M Wifi Wi-Fi for USB 3G LAN WAN Converter with the idea of creating a MIFI wireless network to use with my tablet.
To be honest I thought it had a 3G modem, but in fact it can only make use of one via USB - never mind I have a ZTE modem and it looks like a fun device.
£21 for a tiny UNIX server with LAN + WIFI. More information here. Hardware hacks here


 Step 1 

"I wouldn't call this a router for the average home user."
I replaced the Chinese interface with open-wrt see instructions at Installing OpenWrt on the TL-WR703N not too hard really.

Step 2

Getting the modem to work..

install packages :

  • kmod-usb2, 
  • kmod-usb-option, 
  • comgt, 
  • usb-modeswitch, 
  • usb-modeswitch-data  

to be continued...the boot log

Monday, 3 September 2012

Drawing trees with XQuery and SVG

Looking for a simple way to draw tree structures, I came across this old article Automated Tree Drawing: XSLT and SVG  by Jirka Kosek. This uses some EXSLT extensions. I am sure it could have been rewritten in XSLT2 but I thought it would be  interesting to try it in XQuery ( and add a RESTXQ web interface). Demo and  source.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Updates, including Node 0.8

Upgraded ..
  • Node.js on velvet to 0.8.4
  • BaseX on velvet to 7.4 beta
  • RAIDiator on readynas to  4.1.9  (required add index.xml to /etc/frontview/apache/httpd.conf
  • RAIDiator on velvet to 4.2.21 

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Extracting metadata using Apache Tika

Looking at using Apache Tika to pull metadata from photos and mp3 files. It is a single jar that runs as a command line, GUI or http server.



Looking good.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Upgrading to dojo 1.7

Starting to upgrade the places website to dojo 1.7  migration-17
And trying to get to grips with the build system 


Web based code editors

Looking for a nice web based code edit component. I wanted XQuery and  Sparql  in addition to the usual suspects. The choice seems to be between Codemirror and Ace.

Codemirror supports both Sparql and XQuery out of the box.

Ace has very nice XQuery support initially developed for the eXide feature of eXist by Wolfgang Meier and then enhanced, and pushed back to the main  Ace project, by William Candillon. Ace currently has no official Sparql mode, but I spotted Callimachus  has the code  for a slightly earlier Ace release.

For me the deciding factor is that ACE is built with  AMD support, whereas Codemirror is not. There is a project to convert/wrap Codemirror for use with Dojo, which means using AMD,  but it looks like a lot of work.
Related projects to watch:   Treehugger and Dojo Widget for Ace

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

BaseX on Debian

Current install strategy:
  • unzip to /usr/local/share/basex-x.y 
  • link basex to basex-x.y
ln -s /usr/local/share/basex/bin/basexclient
ln -s /usr/local/share/basex/bin/basexserver
ln -s /usr/local/share/basex/bin/basexhttp
ln -s /usr/local/share/basex/bin/xquery 
TODO init.d

Monday, 4 June 2012

Marklogic 5

I picked up a MarkLogic USB drive with 5.0.2 at XML Prague 2012. I installed this on Ubuntu but I wanted to get it to run on my Readynas Pro 2. This wish resulted in a factory reset on my first try, while attempting to install alien.

Older and wiser I tried again using chroot with a Debian Sarge image. The source file from the USB was MarkLogic-5.0-2.i686.rpm. Instructions based on

To install

After doing debootstrap to create /c/home/squeeze
chroot /c/home/squeeze 

sudo apt-get install alien
sudo alien --to-deb --verbose MarkLogic-5.0-2.i686.rpm
sudo dpkg -i marklogic_5.0-3_i386.deb

To run

mount proc /c/home/squeeze/proc/  -t proc
cp /etc/resolv.conf /c/home/squeeze/etc
cp /etc/hosts /c/home/squeeze/etc
chroot /c/home/squeeze
/etc/init.d/MarkLogic start

The result 


Sunday, 3 June 2012

BaseX event handling

Trying to update BaseX-node to handle events.
It works the 1st time:

21:19:01.858 [] LOGIN admin OK
21:19:01.861 [] LOGIN test1 OK
21:19:02.003 [] CREATE EVENT messenger
21:19:02.005 [] OK 143.0 ms
21:19:02.027 [] OK 13.41 ms
21:19:02.247 [] QUERY(0) for $i in 1 to 1000000 where $i=3 return $i OK 219.51 ms
21:19:02.248 [] QUERY(0) OK 0.5 ms
21:19:02.252 [] QUERY(0) db:event('messenger', 'Hello World!') OK 230.45 ms
21:19:02.254 [] QUERY(0) OK 0.76 ms
21:19:02.584 [] EXEC(0) OK 329.22 ms
21:19:02.943 [] EXEC(0) OK 694.17 ms
21:19:02.945 [] OK 0.34 ms
21:19:03.004 [] DROP EVENT messenger
21:19:03.005 [] OK 2.18 ms
21:19:03.006 [] EXIT
21:19:03.011 [] OK 6.03 ms
21:19:03.012 [] LOGOUT admin OK
21:19:03.014 [] EXIT
21:19:03.019 [] OK 6.57 ms
21:19:03.020 [] LOGOUT test1 OK

Then it hangs..

21:19:16.106 [] LOGIN admin OK
21:19:16.112 [] CREATE EVENT messenger
21:19:16.115 [] OK 27.79 ms
21:19:16.151 [] LOGIN test1 OK
21:19:16.192 [] QUERY(0) db:event('messenger', 'Hello World!') OK 0.98 ms
21:19:16.200 [] QUERY(0) OK 7.4 ms
21:19:16.207 [] OK 0.65 ms
21:19:16.220 [] QUERY(0) for $i in 1 to 1000000 where $i=3 return $i OK 7.77 ms
21:19:16.231 [] QUERY(0) OK 4.3 ms
21:19:16.253 [] EXEC(0) Error: null
21:19:16.732 [] EXEC(0) OK 459.42 ms
21:19:20.036 [] LOGOUT admin OK
21:19:20.042 [] LOGOUT test1 OK
What is that error?

Sunday, 27 May 2012


Installed Fuseki 0.2.2 snapshot from here onto velvet. (/c/home/jena/fuseki-0.2.2/fuseki-server)

mkdir dataDir
 ./fuseki-server --update --loc=dataDir /myDataset

11:10:37 INFO  Server :: TDB dataset: directory=dataDir
11:10:38 INFO  Server :: Dataset path = /myDataset
11:10:38 INFO  Server :: Fuseki 0.2.2-SNAPSHOT 20120526-0501
11:10:38 INFO  Server :: Jetty 7.x.y-SNAPSHOT
11:10:38 INFO  Server :: Started 2012/05/27 11:10:38 GMT on port 3030

One goal is  Jena SKOS inferencing

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Virtualised Debian Squeeze on Readynas

 After burning my Readynas through reckless upgrades I noticed some comments referencing chroot. This promised a way to have an up to date system and protection from rogue packaging problems.

root@velvet:/# cat /etc/debian_version
apt-get install debootstrap 
cd /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts
ln -s lenny squeeze
debootstrap squeeze /c/home/squeeze

chroot /c/home/squeeze

root@velvet:/# cat /etc/debian_version

All very simple and very nice.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Readynas recovery

Trying to install Alien on my Readynas Pro 2, which runs the ancient Debian etch release, corrupted the os and needed a rebuild of my environment. This entry documents the recovery steps.

restoring ssh access


 Java install seems to have got a lot more complicated since the initial install a year or so back.  I could not find an apt package. So manual download from:
Linux (self-extracting file) filesize: 32.8 MB

to  /opt/java/jre1.7.0_04, then  try to  patch up a bit...

update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/opt/java/jre1.7.0_04/bin/java" 1 
update-alternatives --set java /opt/java/jre1.7.0_04/bin/java

(Some related stuff, did not use options  or more)


The BaseX package  required a forced install, due to the broken java..

velvet:/tmp# dpkg --force-depends -i bas*.deb
(Reading database ... 21903 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace basex 7.2.1-1 (using basex_7.2.1-1_all.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement basex ...
dpkg: basex: dependency problems, but configuring anyway as you request:
 basex depends on default-jre | java6-runtime; however:
  Package default-jre is not installed.
  Package java6-runtime is not installed.
Setting up basex (7.2.1-1) ...
velvet:/tmp# basex
[warning] /usr/bin/basex: No java runtime was found
[warning] /usr/bin/basex: Unable to locate /usr/share/java/tagsoup.jar in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/basex: No JAVA_CMD set for run_java, falling back to JAVA_CMD = java
Saving properties in "/root/.basex"...

Installed tagsoup from the deb file
Updated my init.d script (based on the Redis one). And invoke at boot, see

Node.js easy :-)

npm install -g express
npm install -g ejs
npm install -g forever


Saturday, 5 May 2012

Upgrading basex on debian

velvet:/c/home/node# wget
--2012-05-05 11:15:06--
Resolving,,, ...
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2317708 (2.2M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `basex_7.2.1-1_all.deb'

100%[======================================>] 2,317,708    635K/s   in 4.1s    

2012-05-05 11:15:11 (547 KB/s) - `basex_7.2.1-1_all.deb' saved [2317708/2317708]

velvet:/c/home/node# ls
bahblah-node_xslt-34c6509  BaseXRepo flight-stream  paste-bin
basex_7.2.1-1_all.deb    BXNfactbook local        retwis-js
BaseXData     faye  localbuild     soccore
basex-node     faye.old nohup.out      upload
velvet:/c/home/node# dpkg -i *.deb
(Reading database ... 28572 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace basex 7.1.1-1 (using basex_7.2.1-1_all.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement basex ...
Setting up basex (7.2.1-1) ...
velvet:/c/home/node# basex -v
[warning] /usr/bin/basex: Unable to locate /usr/share/java/tagsoup.jar in /usr/share/java
BaseX 7.2.1 [Standalone]
Try 'help' to get more information.

Currently the install does not provide httpserver support.

Sunday, 29 April 2012


The BaseX 7.2.1 release brings together a couple of interesting features that I wanted to check out. A  RESTXQ implementation based on Adam Retter's XML Prague 2012 paper, and an approach to XQuery Update that allows a return value as well as persisting XML changes. It seemed like fun to try these with Alain Couthures XSLTForms

The result..

The code is in 3 main XQuery modules

The code is in bitbucket See for installation instructions. The BaseX RestXQ implementation is here

Get Xforms required css to work
track edit versions/conflicts

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

ubuntu 11.10

Still a disaster.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Upgraded thinkpad t42 to ubuntu 11.10. A disaster!
Managed to get rid of  Unity. Remove overlay scrollbars
 but onboard wifi still broken

To checkout
android ide and

Friday, 9 March 2012

factbook progress

Switched back to passport.js from everyauth. I find Everyauth difficult to use and it seems to have jade dependency. A shame because it's register step and redirect control seems to be what I want.


Still having performance problems. The borders display takes 35s for 613 borders.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

XQuery parser in Javascript performance

"even more scary is how lightning fast the exact same program is in javascript... "

What are the numbers?

Gunther Rademacher's REX parser generator can target several languages including Javascript.

The Javascript output is designed for jrunscript. To see what it expects use the option:
Main program=simple
jrunscript did not work for me, nor did Rhino, probably  due to my lack of familiarity  with these tools.
I wanted to run using Node.js and this required a few changes to the javascript
  1. changing  the writeOutput function to capture the result 
  2. setting the module exports module.exports = xquery30
The node main module is:

var Xq=require("./xq3.js");
var out=[];
var parser=new Xq("2+3",out);

The numbers:

time node app.js
real 0m0.278s
user 0m0.212s
sys 0m0.020s
No doubt the c++ is faster. Perhaps the winner is EBNF.

Github: xqparserperf 

Payment service

Gumroad is a new payment service aimed at digital goods sales that works in over 190 countries. As someone who builds small web applications with subscription fees, I can honestly say that receiving payments is the least fun part of development. It’s fun getting paid, but dealing with payment provider APIs can be stressful to say the least. So I read with interest when Vadim Demedes sent us his Node Gumroad client (License: MIT, GitHub: vdemedes / node-gumroad, npm: gumroad).

Monday, 13 February 2012

XQuery parser performance

This post was updated on 15th Feb with the BaseX 7.1.1 results

A comparison of XQuery engine performance running the XQuery parser from xquerydoc project. The test parses the XQuery program string "2+3":

import module namespace p="XQueryV30" at "XQueryV30.xq";


  • Zorba XQuery Engine, Version: 2.1.0
  • BaseX 7.1.1 Beta  [Standalone]
  • Saxon-HE
  • MXQuery 0.6.0

java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

Running on Ubuntu 11.04 on a Thinkpad T42.


time zorba -f -q test_xqparser.xq 
real 0m24.562s 
user 0m21.489s 
sys  0m0.240s


Results for version 7.1.1 (BaseX711-20120215.234615)

time basex test_xqparser.xq
real 0m1.601s
user 0m1.260s
sys 0m0.088s
Results for version 7.1.0
time basex test_xqparser.xq
real 96m29.589s
user 54m35.961s
sys 0m19.533s


time saxon-xq test_xqparser.xq 
real 0m2.673s
user 0m2.372s
sys  0m0.140s


java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m  -jar mxquery.jar -f test_xqparser.xq
MXQuery 0.6.0
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

All scripts are run from the xqparserperf/src directory.

Github: xqparserperf 


Friday, 27 January 2012

Sunday, 22 January 2012

How to tag classical mp3 files

Basic Guidelines

  • The Artist should contain just the composer not the performer. For details, see below and ClassicalReleaseArtistStyle. 
  • The ReleaseTitle should include the title of the release followed by the major performer (i.e. the name of orchestra or quartet) inside parenthesis. For details, see below and ClassicalReleaseTitleStyle 
  • The TrackTitle should contain the overall work (name of the symphony etc.) followed by ':' and then the actual name of that movement. For details, see below and ClassicalTrackTitleStyle 
  • Convert the release to a VariousArtistsRelease if it contains works by more than one composer (see ConvertReleaseToMultipleArtistsEdit and ClassicalReleaseArtistStyle).

Sunday, 8 January 2012

tomcat on velvet

 apt-get install tomcat5.5 tomcat5.5-admin tomcat5.5-webapps
fix this issue tomcat-55-no-jdk-found

/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start
# Directory for per-instance configuration files and webapps

# Use the Java security manager? (yes/no)

Change to
# Use the Java security manager? (yes/no)


Tuesday, 3 January 2012

npm changes

Changed to a global express install

 npm install -g express
 npm install -g ejs

Monday, 2 January 2012


Installed on thinkpad and velvet

velvet:~# npm install -g node-inspector
/usr/local/bin/node-inspector -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-inspector/bin/inspector.js
node-inspector@0.1.10 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-inspector
├── paperboy@0.0.3