Monday, 29 December 2014



 69.5 GB (74,638,884,864 bytes) 13,228 Files, 1,093 Folders


Pictures: 39.8 GB (42,771,218,432 bytes) 19,274 Files, 1,317 Folders
Database: 226 MB (237,961,216 bytes) 1,318 Files, 174 Folders

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

raspberry pi update

  • Linux raspberrypi 3.12.20+
  • HTS Tvheadend 3.9.748~g789065c

Friday, 2 May 2014

XQDT in Eclipse Kepler

 XQDT provides support for editing, execution, and debugging of XQuery modules in Eclipse.
 It requires DLTK version 3. Certain plugins will install DLTK version 4, e.g. Scala IDE, which prevents XQDT installation.
If that is not installed then version 3 of DLTK can be installed from the indigo update site
 Then install XQDT

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Raspberry PI updates

  • Linux raspberrypi 3.12.18+ #677
  • HTS Tvheadend 3.9.570~g5fbe7a7
This fixes
Also PI now  overclocked to 900 in config.txt

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Updating the Pipo M9

I tried Pipo-M9-Pro-RileyROM-2-7-KitKat 2.7.2 on my Pipo M9. It looks good and is much faster than the Finless Jellybean ROM, but it has a battery problem and more importantly Linuxdeploy fails with permissioning errors. This is a KitKat issue I believe. Other minor issues:
Screen rotation:
It's a problem with occurs mostly when using the stock launcher. If you use another like Nova or Apex, then the problem don't exist.
I do sync time with NTPSync before trying the first time, maybe that's the trick.
So back to JellyBean, not with the Finless ROM this time but Pipo-M9-Pro-RileyROM-2-7-Jellybean. Fast and clean, the only gripe is the slow boot time.

A review:

Java and BaseX

Random Android tips

Monday, 14 April 2014

Java on the Raspberry Pi

Since update 40 Oracle's Java 7  JDK supports ARM HF, so I believe offers no great performance advantage over Java 8. My Java 8 seems to have been wiped out, probably by the Wolfram install.

pi@raspberrypi /etc/alternatives $ java -version
java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)
pi@raspberrypi /etc/alternatives $ sudo update-alternatives --config java
There is only one alternative in link group java (providing /usr/bin/java): /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-armhf/jre/bin/java
Nothing to configure.

Update from

Monday, 7 April 2014

Notes on making readynas the primary media store

Using Picasa from a network share:


size: 30gb,16000 files


size: 69Gb, 13000 files


Readynas1 and velvet have 1.1.0 2014/01/16 []

Recordings from pi

 Black Narcissus.ts
  5392715328 100%  320.20kB/s    4:34:07 (xfer#2, to-check=28/31)
Cannes Film Festival 2013 Special.ts
   147667984 100%  277.80kB/s    0:08:39 (xfer#3, to-check=27/31)
Citizen Kane.ts
  2810796272 100%  254.46kB/s    2:59:47 (xfer#4, to-check=26/31)
Glastonbury 2013.ts
  6000793056 100%  172.07kB/s    9:27:36 (xfer#5, to-check=25/31)

Saturday, 22 March 2014

A very rough guide to running BaseX on Openshift

Update: 24Apr2014 see openshift-basex-quick-start

I hope to release an Openshift quick start cartridge for BaseX soon. Until then here are some quick notes that completely ignore the right way to do this.

1. Use putty to access your gear:

2. Install BaseX

cd app-root/data
unzip *.zip

3. In jetty.xml change the host and port settings to use Env values

<New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
    <Set name="port"><Env name="OPENSHIFT_DIY_PORT" default="8080" /></Set>
    <Set name="host"><Env name="OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP" default="" /></Set>
    <Set name="maxIdleTime">60000</Set>
    <Set name="reuseAddress">true</Set>
    <Set name="Acceptors">2</Set>
    <!-- Support for SSL connections . <Set name="confidentialPort">8986</Set> -->

4. If the default server, (ruby?) is running kill it.

5. Start the BaseX httpserver

# start basex
nohup bin/basexhttp -X -Dorg.basex.SERVERHOST=$OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP \
                    -X -Dorg.basex.SERVERPORT=$OPENSHIFT_DIY_PORT \
                    -p 15005 -e 15006 -s 15007 -U admin -P admin &

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Friday, 7 February 2014

Schematron resources

At the beginning of the week I needed to create a Schematron sample in a hurry. I had done it before, a long time ago, on another machine. It did not help that was, and still is, down. This article is a record of the resources I found at the time and later.

First seems to be the place to get an implementation of ISO Schematron. This comes as a set of XSLT files. The wiki suggests a number of options for running these, which led me to the excellent tutorial at

 In a hurry and not wanting to set up a batch file  I remembered that Kernow has a Schematron option. Sadly I could not find any documentation for this and the Web start option seems to have become a victim of enhanced security policies.
Another useful tutorial, with example business logic from the Ark, is data2type schematron introduction

XML Database Schematron support

 Other tools

It seems to me it would be nice to have a module that wrapped up the Schematron functionality and made it easy to install. Something like ML-Schematron that could run in BaseX or ExistDb.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

New gadget and updates

Pipo M9Pro


Just bought one, looking good so far
Flashed with Pipo-M9-Pro-Finless-1-5-ROM , The KitKat ROM looks a bit rough at the moment.
Installed Linux Deploy and how-to-install-oracle-java-7-in-debian.html



Other updates